Sample email or letter to your school

Send an email or letter to encourage your local school to offer or expand computer science. You can use or personalize the sample below. You can also add local state statistics to help reinforce the need for computer science in your area.

Dear Teacher or Administrator,

90% of parents want schools to teach computer programming, and students love it.

Computer science opens more doors than any other discipline. Learning the basics will help students in any career—from architecture to zoology. 71% of all US jobs require digital skills. And high-skilled computing occupations are the fastest-growing, best-paying, and now the largest sector of all new wages in the US.

9 out of 10 parents want schools to teach computer science (Gallup poll), and students rank it among their favorite subjects, behind only art and music. Just as they learn how to write an essay or how electricity works, it’s important for every 21st century student to have a chance to learn how the internet works or design an app.

Studies show that computer science students outperform in reading, writing, math, science, and are more likely to enroll in college. Every student should have this opportunity.

Will you help bring computer science to our school? Tens of thousands of schools have made commitments to add computer science to the school day. We can do it too. We don’t need to hire new teachers. We just need to make this a priority, and take advantage of the resources offered by

  • Curriculum for a full K-12 computer science pathway
  • Workshops to prepare any passionate teacher to begin teaching computer science.
  • Resources to help administrators plan adding computer science to the school day

Are you interested in teaching computer science? Teachers don't need a technical background to get started. offers hands-on workshops across the country that can help existing teachers learn CS and how to teach it. The majority of teachers who attend rank it the “best professional development ever”.

Generous scholarships or discounts are available across the country for the Professional Learning Programs, courtesy of Our curriculum is available at no cost for anyone, anywhere to teach. There are also great options offered by other organizations.

Put our school on the map Whether we are expanding our existing computer science offering, or starting a brand new program, we should participate in the growing movement to add computer science to the school day. Please put our school on the map.

Sincerely, A parent / community member